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About Özkan Costumes
About Ozkan Costume Atilla Özkan,who can not subdue to be passive in any stage of his life,wanted to have every kind of possibilities that todays technology presents and he got to have place in Internet,which is the most effective connection web of the knoledge age,as an obligation. This site,being more than Atilla Özkan’s personal site,have been established to be able to everyone’s sitewho interests in folk costumes,accessories,folklore and will be formed again and again with your proposals. | | | | Folklore pursuit has stayed as an occupation in hearts since old ages.It's natural that nobody has any due to criticise topeople who takes place in this activity as a dancer,administrator,researcher etc. because of this situation;on the contrary appreciation,morale and motivation mustn't be diminished that they can have a reason to keep up this profitless effort. This period,which is built on the principle of the unity of the hearts,necessiate the continuity of relevant people.We think that there are many sites like that,which are moved to the internet setting and exist to contribute the continuity of this activity. | | |